Why Star Wars Battlefront II is the worst video game to play this Christmas

Why Star Wars Battlefront II is the worst video game to play this Christmas
Star Wars Battlefront II.  (Courtesy)

A new study has revealed the worst video game to play with your family this Christmas is Star Wars Battlefront II.   

The research, conducted by Hearts. Land gathered data on 50 multiplayer video games averaging user reviews from Metacritic, GameSpot, and IGN, to find the top family-friendly video games.   

To make this accessible to families of all ages, the study omitted any games that include blood, swearing, and other mature themes.    

Star Wars Battlefront II was placed top with a rating of 4.6 - which is 38.5 per cent lower than the average game rating. The game features both ground and space battles, allowing players to engage in large-scale multiplayer battles across various iconic Star Wars locations. 

However, the game was rated poorly in the study when it comes to its family-friendly score, as there’s a lack of competitive elements when compared to other titles, and mature themes like shooting, violence, and romance. 

The second least recommended game to play this Christmas is Gran Turismo 7, with a rating of 5.8. The simulation game emulates a realistic driving experience and while it does have competition, it lacks the encouragement of teamwork when compared to other titles.


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